As anyone is already aware, bad design kills. So do long meetings. In fact, they are slow and painful. I think that there are remedies, though–including expediting the process by standing up the entire time.
It seems that in many areas, small teams are coming together to expedite things. For instance, we all know that RFPs and proposals can take up a lot of non-billable hours. Along comes Approven, to try and automate the process. What about billing? What a nightmare that can be. Enter, stage right, Blinksale, by Firewheel Design (originally known for interface design). Guess they got sick of chasing after clients, too. It's great to see web-applications, and design in general come about from necessity–answering a call for help or solving a problem, instead of pushing wares on consumers that they don't need.
Thursday, September 01, 2005