Okay, so I've been putting it off. And putting it off some more. I must visit 30 blogs on a daily basis (thank gawd for tabbed browsing)- yet didn't have one myself. So here we go...
Let me just start by saying that these guys are onto something. The interaction transitions remind me slightly of the Intentionallies site, but as a search tool for tag—it's out of control. As if people weren't already into Flickr.
And more from the proverbial blogosphere, a recent problogger interview with Paul Scrivens talks about making major mulaah with your blog- I think he mentions that his best month was a little over $10,000. If this interests you, check out Workboxers and sign up for the 9rules network.
On the mobile front, now you can get all the info you need on your hand-held through MobileAnswers (Beta), a site that uses content from Wikipedia and other sources to get you up to speed on just about anything you need.
Friday, April 01, 2005